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Bovina Independent School District

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Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

Classroom Plan

Dear Parent,

I am delighted that your child _____________________________is in my class this year.  I have developed a classroom discipline plan, which affords every student guidance in making good decisions about their behavior and thus an opportunity to learn in a positive, nurturing classroom environment.  Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for his/her growth, and I know that together we will make a difference in this process.  The plan below outlines rewards and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate behavior.  They are:

? Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
? Come prepared to class, and be on time
? Listen carefully and follow all directions
? Show good character
? Follow all school rules
To encourage students to follow these classroom rules, I will recognize appropriate behavior with praise, and positive notes and phone calls home.  However, if a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken:

First time a student
Breaks a rule: Warning-(Yellow card)
Second time: Withdraw of privilege/recess detention/teacher decision-(Red card)
Third time: Detention-(Blue card) Parent will be contacted

Fourth time: Principal Office-(Black card) (child will receive corporal punishment or ISS.   (This will be determined by the principal).
Severe disruption: Principal Office

Please read this classroom discipline plan with your child, then sign and return the form below.



I have read the discipline plan and have discussed it with my child.
Child’s Name:____________________________  Grade________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________Date_________________